AKUAANA Annual Meeting
The AKUAANA Annual Meeting is held every summer, generally in concert with the Annual APPNA Summer Convention. Apart from the Alumni Reunion, it also comprises of the Annual Alumni General Body Meeting.
Milestone Class Reunions
We highlight the 25, 20 and 10-year anniversaries of the graduation of each class at the AKUAANA Annual Meeting. We encourage you to hold your class reunions at the same time. Please contact the AKUAANA Secretary for further details at .
Regional / Local AKU Alumni Events
We would very much like to help organize and feature, pictures, PowerPoint presentations of any event where AKU Alumni get together to showcase your event. Please contact the AKUAANA Web Manager at for this.
Write-ups for some of the latest alumni reunions are given below:
AKU Alumni Regional Upper-Midwest Reunion, March 2016
Ad Hoc Alumni meetings
When members of the Executive Committee travel, especially when attending medical conferences, an attempt is made to hold meetings to allow for all AKU Alumni at the event to connect.