

Tauseef is a graduate of the AKU Medical College class of 2007. He completed his Internal Medicine residency in Minnesota and despite the snowstorms and polar freeze, he loves the area and ended up staying there. He works as a hospitalist in the twin cities area and also serves as the Medical Director for his program with a special interest in Quality Improvement. When he is not traveling in his time off, Tauseef can be found reading financial blogs and topics on personal finance. He takes great pride in the fact that the name of Aga Khan University is so well recognized and the universal admiration for AKU alumni that follows this recognition.

He firmly believes that the alumni body is very well-poised to contribute to the University's larger mission and make a difference for the community at large. Tauseef's goal is to increase engagement of AKUAANA with the alumni, and find more effective ways to work towards mutual goals.

Facebook: Tauseef ur Rehman