Membership means a stronger AKU
AKUAANA Membership is open to AKU Medical College alumni globally. AKUAANA encourages a thriving online community, with activities having a North American focus, since the Association is based in the US.
Welcome to the AKU family!
We know how much AKU meant to you, whether it was burning the midnight oil in the library/graveyard, hanging out in the Quad, or Sundays cheering the basketball team to victory at the Sports Center. You made a lot of memories at the pink castle – memories of friends you made, professors who challenged you to do your best, even the tiled pathways that you followed as you hurried to class.
Membership matters – it’s all about pride!
AKUAANA membership is one of the simplest, most meaningful and most affordable ways for AKU alumni to demonstrate their pride – pride in Aga Khan University and pride in being part of the strongest chapter of the AKU Alumni Association.
Staying connected with AKU
Alumni Association membership keeps you connected in a variety of ways, not the least of which is a subscription to the AKUAANA e-newsletter. Plus, enjoy free access to the AKU Alumni Directory where you’ll find contact details for former classmates and long-lost friends.
Joining AKUAANA is the best way to keep up-to-date on campus news, making you feel like you’re mere steps away from the Quad. It also gives you a chance to join the informed alumni and friends who act as powerful advocates for AKU every day!
The Alumni Association makes every effort to engage the alumni community at the Annual AKU Meeting and other Alumni meetups/events that take place throughout the year. Becoming a member of AKUAANA helps us get in touch with you and connect you with your friends.