Dear Alumni:
It is with great pleasure that we share with you the news of the appointment of Dr. Adeel Butt, Class of 1990, to the Board of Governors of the National Institute of Health in Pakistan. The Board of Governors is entrusted with the authority to oversee the governance, operations and mission of one of the most prestigious institutions in Pakistan. The members of the Board of Governors are appointed through a cabinet decision approved by the Prime Minister through the framework laid out in the Presidential Ordinance No. XVIII of 2020 to re-organize the National Institute of Health. Dr. Butt is joined by two other esteemed AKU Faculty members, Dr. Zulfiqar Bhutta and Dr. Asim Beg on the NIH Board.
This appointment affirms the commitment of the Government of Pakistan towards improvement of public health and research in the country. It also highlights the key role AKUMC Alumni and Faculty are playing in shaping the future of healthcare in Pakistan through their dedicated volunteer work.
Dr. Adeel Butt is a life member of AKUAANA and APPNA and has been a pioneer of numerous programs and initiatives in APPNA. He was the main force behind The Aga Khan University Medical College Alumni Association of North America joining APPNA and served as AKUAANA’s inaugural president on the APPNA Executive Council. Over the last 23 years, Dr. Butt has chaired numerous APPNA Committees including the Communications Committee as its inaugural chair, Membership Committee and the Research, Education and Scientific Affairs (RESA) Committee. In fact, he has chaired the RESA Committee for a record 7 years and is also serving as its current chair.
Dr. Adeel Butt is listed among the world’s top 2% most influential scientists in the prestigious peer-reviewed “Stanford List”. He is also a Fulbright Scholar, Yale-Johnson and Johnson Scholar in International Health, a National Talent Pool Scholar, IDSA Training Faculty Scholar, and the recipient of the US National Institutes of Health Career Development Award, Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (SEHA) Excellence in Research Award, HMC Qatar Excellence in Health Services Research Award, Pakistan Society of Hepatology’s Distinguished Academician Award and multiple other national and international awards. Prof. Butt has lectured extensively around the world as a visiting professor and has published over 195 peer reviewed papers with more than 15 papers on COVID-19 and its impact.
We wish the Board of Governors of the National Institute of Health and Dr. Butt success and assure AKUAANA’s support to all activities and programs that will improve the health of the Nation.
Faisal H. Cheema
President | AKUAANA
On behalf of AKUAANA EC [President: Faisal Cheema | Secretary: Abdul Waheed | Treasurer: Tauseef ur Rehman | Immediate Past President: Namirah Jamshed | Ex-Officio Member: Abdul Basit Saeed]