Dear AKU Alumni,
I am pleased to inform you that the AKU Convocation 2013 is being organised on Thursday, December 19, 2013 10:30 am at the Cricket field at the Stadium Road campus. This year, the Chancellor of the University is expected to preside over the Convocation at which accomplishments of the Class of 2013 from the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Medical College, and Institute for Educational Development will be acknowledged and celebrated.
This year’s Convocation in Karachi has special significance as, in addition to awarding of degrees, the following important milestones will also be commemorated:
– 30th anniversary of the granting of the University’s Charter
– 30th anniversary of the first graduating class of the School of Nursing and Midwifery
– 25th anniversary of the first graduating class of the Medical College
– 20th anniversary of the inauguration of the Institute for Educational Development
As is customary, a limited number of seats have been reserved for alumni at the Convocation. In order to request an invitation we ask that you kindly complete the following information and email us at latest by Friday, December 6, 2013. Due to stringent security measures in place, we will not be able to process requests beyond this date.
*First name:
*Last name:
Name at Enrollment (if different from above):
Degree(s)/Diploma received at AKU:
Year(s) of graduation:
Present Location (City/ Country):
Mobile telephone number:
Email address:
CNIC (Pakistani citizens) or Passport number (for overseas based alumni):
*As appears on CNIC or Passport
Please note that invitations through this process are for alumni only and do not include spouses or families. Also, as space for the Convocation is limited, in case requests outnumber seats available, balloting will be held to determine invitees, who will be informed by email.
I am also delighted to share with you that an Alumni Reunion is also being planned for Friday, December 20, 2013, details for which will be shared shortly.
Meanwhile, we request you to kindly pass along information regarding the Convocation to all your alumni friends and colleagues with whom you might be in touch.
Best regards,
Louis R. Ariano
Associate Vice-Provost & University Registrar
Aga Khan University
South-Central Asia, East Africa & UK
P.O. Box 3500 | Stadium Road | Karachi 74800 | Pakistan
Tel: +92 21 3486 4440 | Fax: +92 21 3493 4294
Mobile (Pakistan): +92 (0) 345 823 3405
Mobile (East Africa): +254 (0) 738 801 589
Skype: louis.ariano